Empowering Change: Sebastian’s Journey from Prince George’s County to Politics and Public Service

Sebastian, a College Track scholar from Prince George’s County, Maryland, spent much of this past fall helping his classmates at American University register to vote. Currently a sophomore, Sebastian believes whole-heartedly in the capacity of politics to effect change. “Some people don’t have hope in it, but when others don’t have hope, I feel like I have to be the one who has hope,” says Sebastian. Sebastian’s love for politics was sparked in high school, when a teacher invited him to join the Model UN club.

When it came time to apply to college, he had his eye on American University, an institution well-known for its political science program. Not only was Sebastian accepted, he received a substantial scholarship, made possible by the school’s formal partnership with College Track. “The financial help was an incredible burden lifted off of my shoulders,” he says. Sebastian dove into his classes immediately, declaring a dual major in political science and an interdisciplinary study that combines communications, legal studies, economics, and government. He also joined a friend’s nonprofit dedicated to improving civic engagement among young people. He’s worked closely with his dedicated College Track coach to manage his many commitments.

“It’s an education of how college works — getting accustomed to it, building an actual schedule and a routine that you can use every day of your life. That way, you can actually be effective academically and also job-wise.” 

Going to school in the heart of D.C. has enabled Sebastian to pursue internship opportunities that have further enriched his academic experience. Last spring, he interned with Congressman Glenn Ivy, who represents Prince George’s County as part of Maryland’s 4th District; this fall, he is interning for Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland 2nd District. Sebastian recently attended a congressional hearing on government oversight and accountability,  which he describes as “incredibly inspiring.”

Sebastian has big plans in both the near and long term. His current goal is to intern at the White House. Eventually, he wants to run for public office, either as a state senator or a state delegate. No matter where he ends up, he knows where his priorities are.

“My goal has always been to lift up my community, to represent my community, to help my community. And I want to inspire others to do the same.”