A Journey Through Stores: Discovering A Passion for Business

Jackie’s journey of self-discovery took an unexpected turn when her fascination with window shop displays unveiled a hidden passion for the dynamic world of business. Born and raised in the vibrant city of San Francisco, Jackie was surrounded by iconic landmarks, diverse neighborhoods, and a rich tapestry of history and cultures. In the heart of this city, Jackie embraced the role of a lifelong learner, analyzing the intricacies of her day-to-day experiences in an effort to identify potential areas of interest to explore in college. 

As a keen consumer, Jackie couldn’t help but question the motivations behind the choices people make. Considering herself her own ‘lab rat’ in her own experiment of self-discovery, she analyzed the subtle messages conveyed through store layouts, designs, and the strategic placement of models. “Why this specific wig?” she wondered, and “what’s the story behind the positioning of these models?” The world of marketing and consulting became her canvas for exploration.

Jackie’s curiosity evolved into a deep dive into marketing strategies, finance, consumer behavior, and the symbiotic relationship between buyers and sellers. In her quest for understanding, she realized that her newfound interests all fell under the vast umbrella of business. Now, standing at the intersection of financing, numbers, and the intricate connections between business and marketing, Jackie finds herself in a space where everything seamlessly bridges together. As a junior economics major at Sacramento State University, she is taking classes like Quantitative Analysis, where she and her classmates are tasked with a final project that involves preparing coded scripts. At the end of this class, Jackie and her classmates will present their final project to their economics department chairs for evaluation. 

More than halfway done with her college experience, she is envisioning her future. When asked about where she sees herself in five years, she confidently stated with a smile, “I personally see myself working in the beauty, sports, or finance industry. Personally, for me, I see myself in spaces where I can act as a voice for people. I want to be in spaces where people who don’t look like me aren’t able to make the decisions for people that do look like me.” She is also passionate about studying the ongoing economic climate of her home, San Francisco. Her passions for herself, the world, and her community deeply resonate with her. Reflecting on her path so far, Jackie’s advice for others is “do not doubt who you are and what your core value is.” 

For Jackie, the world of business is not just about transactions and profit margins. It is a captivating journey of unraveling the threads that weave together the fabric of consumerism, marketing, and the intricate dance between companies and their audience. As she immerses herself in this field, Jackie realizes that her fascination with window shop displays has blossomed into a profound appreciation for the multifaceted world of business.